Trinity B.'s profile

Master Typographer Jan Tschichold

In this project the goal was to echo the style of a master typographer, Jan Tschichold, without copying his style. Another goal for this project was to use and experiment with hierarchy. The requirements specified that only text forms were to be used, no shapes or other extras were allowed. There were multiple drafts for this project, below are my final three. Here is my Dropmark to see some of my inspiration.
Design one description: I went with a simple sort of design for this one. my inspiration came from the quote "The aim of every typographic work - the delivery of a message in the shortest, most efficient manner." -Jan Tschichold. Using this I created my design to be clean and simple, with all the information I needed to include. 
Design two description: In this design I played with changing the opacity, and slightly overlapping the words on the front. 
Design three front cover. I chose the letter "M" for "master" and the text I shaped like a letter "Z" to guide the eye from Jan to Master at the bottom.
In this top right corner on the back cover the two large letters overlap to frame in the corner. I did this because I thought it was helpful to have a frame of some sort to help it look more complete. 
Design three back cover. On the back I chose a large letter "T" for "typographer" and I used the serifs to frame out the top and sides of the cover. 
Design three all together. It looks this way because I used big letters to fill in some of the white space, and to align some of the text. On the back I used the "T"  to align all the names in a pattern, and to center all of the text minus "Typographer" which aligns with "Master" on the front. Master and Typographer on the same baseline to lead from the front to the back like on an actual book. 
Master Typographer Jan Tschichold

Master Typographer Jan Tschichold
